Turns out his grave was more than I could reasonably take. Turns out I love him like he is alive. Turns out Auvers-sur-Oise is one of the most beautiful places I have ever been, with one of the most exquisite churches I have ever seen. That is all for now, I hope you will forgive […]
Tags: Auvers, beauty, death, life, love, Travel, YellowEurope
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I am in Paris. I went to the Musée d’Orsay. I was overwhelmed. A whole room for him, and many of his greatest works. He has exhausted me. But everytime I feel I am drowning, he smiles. Sat across from a young man today on the train who is travelling around Europe following Van Gogh, […]
Tags: YellowEurope
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I just want to say, I went to Nuenen, where Vincent stayed with his parents for two years and painted much of his work from his early, dark period. I walked for three hours in the pouring rain, with a lousy umbrella and thin poncho and a cheeky grin. When I arrived at his father’s […]
Tags: church, horses, Nuenen, rain, Travel, walking, YellowEurope
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